
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

whey protein for weight loss

When you are on a weight loss diet, whey protein can help you. Whey protein for weight loss is good because it helps you to maintain muscle when you are on a weight loss diet. The basics of losing weight is the following:

1) Cut Down your calories.
2) Cut down your fat intake.
3) Cut down your carbohydrate intake.
4) Consume enough protein to maintain your muscle mass.

There are kind of weight that you carry. One is muscle mass and other is fat tissue. When you are on weight loss diet, your goal is to lose fat tissue and not your muscle mass.

It is recommended by lot of experts to have at least 0.5 to 1 gram of protein per pound of your body weight. This helps you to maintain your precious muscle when you are trying the burn the fat through cardiovascular exercise.

Lot of us have busy schedules and I know some people who also have to do two jobs. Maintaining your protein intake through food is a good idea but when you are not at home, it is always good to keep some protein powder and skimmed milk in your car.

You can mix the protein powder with the milk. Most of the whey protein powder have around 22 grams of protein per serving and this is good for you when you want to lose weight. Instead of going to a nearby fast food joint and eating a high calorie diet, I would suggest to drink a protein powder mixed with skimmed milk. According to me the best whey protein powder is Optimum nutrition whey protein. I can suggest it because I always use it and i always have it with me.

You can buy Optimum nutrition whey protein from Amazon by clicking on the links below:

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Anti-Estrogenic Diet: How Estrogenic Foods and Chemicals Are Making You Fat and Sick

I recently was doing some research and I came across lot of people writing about an anti estrogen diet.  If you are male and you want to lose weight, then you should pay attention to this article.

Estrogen is a female hormone which is found in women and it has some quantity in men.  Male hormone is called testosterone. If you have lot of Estrogen in a male body, this will make a man fat and will also develop a body like women.

The Anti-Estrogenic Diet should be followed by a person who wants to lower the Estrogen levels

Estrogen level in body rise when a person drinks lot of alcohol and also eat lot of processed food that we get in our grocery stores.  
So if you have lot of Estrogen in your body, you will have a hard time to build muscle and you need testosterone to build muscle and not Estrogen. So to make get information how you can change your diet, I highly recommend a book called The Anti-Estrogenic Diet: How Estrogenic Foods and Chemicals Are Making You Fat and Sick by Ori Hofmekler

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sylvester stallone workout book

If you are looking for Sylvester stallone workout book, you have come to the right place. Sylvester stallone has one of the best physique in Hollywood and he is still fit after 50. Many people are not able to maintain a physique like that.

What is the best way to get information about Sylvester Stallone workout?

I think the answer is to get a workout book by Sylvester Stallone himself.

Sly Moves: My Proven Program to Lose Weight, Build Strength, Gain Will Power, and Live your Dream not only gives information about Sylvester stallone workout, it also gives information on how to gain will power which is think is required whenever anyone is trying to lose weight, build Muscle.

So if you want to information about this workout, you can buy the book by clicking on the link below: