When a person is into bodybuilding, a good amount of protein is always necessary to build muscles. Protein is building blocks of muscles. It's like cement to build muscles.
So if a person wants to build muscles, taking right quantity of protein is very critical. If a person doesn't consume the right amount, all the effort in the gym is wasted.
There are bodybuilders who take 1.5 grams to 2 grams per pound of their body weight.
If an average person wants to build muscle 1 gram per per pound of body weight is still recommended.
Quantity is important in protein intake but quality is important too. These grams of protein should come from complete protein.
Vegetables and vegetarian food mostly doesn't have complete protein. Complete protein means that the protein doesn't have all the necessary amino acids to build muscles.
Complete protein is found in animal sources such as poultry, meat and other non vegetarian sources.
So you might think how will a vegetarian can get quality protein. If a vegetarian wants quality protein, they will have to drink lot of milk and consume lot of milk products such as curd, cottage cheese etc. Milk is complete protein. If you have ever thought which whey protein is the best, I would recommend Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein. You can buy it by clicking on the link below: